Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's a Semi-Sappy Kinda Day...

So I guess I'm in some weird sentimental kind of mood today...not sure what the deal is...all hormones are accounted for, so I guess it's just me being a huge sap for some reason.  Que sera, sera....(what I want my wrist tattoo to say.) 

Anyway, I was thinking today about how many friends we acquire over the years, that we swear to God will be our friends forever.  Nothing can ever split you apart.  Not boys, jobs, distance...nothing.  But I suppose that is the mentality we have when we are in grade school.  The time in our lives where naivety is secure and safe, and the reality of making and losing 100 friends over the course of the next 10 years seems to be an impossibility.  You spend days, nights, weekends, talking about EVERYTHING with these people.  Life, the future, the past, the present, the "never will bes..."  All that shit that you swear they will be there to see and hold your hand through.

But then you grow up.  They grow up.  You get older, wiser, smarter, more mature, less mature, move on, stand still...and sometimes, they don't follow you.  Or you don't follow them.  Either way, you're now worlds apart.  You might think about them from time to time, and them you.  You'll definitely think about them now that you read this blubbering blog.  You'll wonder what they are doing, or maybe you know and don't care.  Or wonder and still do care.  Or have Facebook to stalk them with, so you're always in the loop.  Either way, these people have left an imprint on your life.  It doesn't matter if they have held your hand this whole time...they have made you who your are, and you who they are.  And if they haven't made you into the amazing human you are today, there is probably a reason you don't talk to them anymore. 

All I know is, I have made and lost dozens of friends over the years...but the people I want in my life are right where I want them to be.  Holding my hand when I need them to, no matter what. 

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